Design Technology - Year 11

Design Technology Overview

Term 1: AQA Non-Exam Assessment: Section C - Generating Design IdeasAQA Non-Exam Assessment: Section D - Developing Design Ideas

Students will begin to produce their design work for the portflio. Using the Design Brief and Specification, students should have a plan of what they want to design, and should use the techniques learnt from KS3 - KS4 to demonstrate their design ideas.

Generating a range of design ideas for the NEA is marked out of 20.

Developing chosen design ideas further and producing a final idea for the NEA is also marked out of 20.

  1. As this is independent study, teacher input is regulated very strictly. Students have the option of submitting their design ideas at any time, but once this has happened, no more work can be carried out on it to get more marks.

    Alternatively as it is an iterative process, students can continue working on them until final submission is required. Students are encourage to continually develop their work through regular feedback with their client to receive the best marks for the design and development sections

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

It encourages, and requires independent study as students take the lead in confidently producing ideas that fit their design brief.

Create a supportive community:

The design briefs offered to the students are community based, so any idea that is developed and manufactured will be aiding and supporting one aspect of the community.

Term 2: AQA Non-Exam Assessment: Section E - Realising Design Ideas

Students will work with a range of appropriate materials/components to produce prototypes that are accurate and within close tolerances. This will involve using specialist tools and equipment, which may include hand tools, machines or CAD/CAM. The prototypes will be constructed through

a range of techniques, which may involve shaping, fabrication, construction and assembly. The prototypes will have a suitable finish with functional and aesthetic qualities, where appropriate.

Students will be awarded marks for the quality of their prototype(s) and how it addresses the design brief and design specification based on a contextual challenge. Realising the final design successfully is dependent on the feedback and communication with the end client.

  1. Making the prototype is marked out of 20. This will be assessed by the teacher at the end of the project. A selected random sample will be moderated by the exam board.
  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

It allows the student to physically contract the design idea that they have worked on throughout the NEA. This will give reward to the students as they will be able to physically see and manufacture their idea, which they should be proud and excited to do.

Create a supportive community:

Term 3: AQA Non-Exam Assessment: Section F - Analysing and Evaluating

Within this iterative design process students are expected to continuously analyse and evaluate their work, using their decisions to improve outcomes. This should include defining requirements, analysing the design brief and specifications along with the testing and evaluating of ideas produced during the generation and development stages. Their final prototype(s) will also undergo a range of tests on which the final evaluation will be formulated. This should include market testing and a detailed analysis of the prototype(s)

  1. Comprehensive testing of all aspects of the final prototype against the

    design brief and specification. Fully detailed and justified reference is made to any modifications both proposed and undertaken.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 4: GCSE Exam Practice

Students will have finished their NEA and would have submitted that for marking and moderation. Now, students will spend time revising topics covered at the start of the GCSE course to get them ready for the GCSE exam.

  1. Exam style questions, ranginf from Section A multiple choice questions, to design style queations will be covered and assessed to ensure each student is aware of what needs to be included and stuied for each of the papers sections.
  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community: